About Us

Blk 353 Kang Ching Road #01-39 Singapore 610353 Tel:68981597 Email:tj.zone.d.rc@gmail.com

Saturday, July 23, 2011

We are so eager to announce to everyone that our Zone D 
                 vegetable garden are readyyy!!!

Crime Alert - Cheating Cases Involving Impersonation of Government

Police have observed an emergence of phone scams involving impersonation of government officials recently. The culprit would call the victim and identify himself or herself as a government official. The culprit would inform the victim of his or her entitlement to an income tax discount or eligibility to receive certain funds as part of a government welfare scheme. In one of the cases, the culprit was even able to cite the victim's name and NRIC number.
For more information, please refer to the attachment below.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

TJ Zone D Spirit

The Taman Jurong Zone D Spirit is on !
In celebration of the Nation's 46th Birthday, we the Zone D 'ers get together to share and raise the spirit of all the residents.  We had successfully distributed the State Flag to all residents .  Seeing Our Neighbourhood , Flying The Flag And That Is Our Zone D Dreams And It Comes Alive !

TJ Zone D Chairman And Members Wish Singapore A Stronger And Peaceful Nation